

African Vernacular Language refers to the everyday informal language spoken by the people and generally takes on a colloquial form. Our translation services enable you to focus on your core business, while still conveying a personalised and tailored message to your target demographic, which we ensure matches the theme of your other marketing material and can be translated to all 11 official South African languages.

Business is a universal language, but English isn’t.

South Africa, known as the rainbow nation, is home to a variety of cultures, traditions and languages. The multicultural and linguistic nature of the country creates a need for an accurate, tailored and personal voice-over and translation service that make sense to the people.

Our aim at Voice Village is to satisfy this need in the most comprehensive manner possible.

We offer bespoke, spoken and written translations for our clients.

In today’s overcrowded market space, businesses need to make use of every tool available to customise experiences for their customers, across as many channels as possible. Not only this, but by adding in that little extra personal touch, customers will feel they are able to connect more with the brand, especially the product offering. When customers are able to connect more with an ad, there is a higher chance that they will take an interest in what it is you have to offer them.

Think about it, voice-overs form part of our everyday lives. Whether it be through a radio advert, television advert or movie trailer, marketing has become increasingly personalised and targeted towards key demographics, as well as markets. The voice-over you select should match the marketing message, as well as connect with the target market you are attempting to reach. We offer a comprehensive solution to voice-overs, where you can select the age, sex, voice type, script and accent of the voice-over.

In the modern era, we possess automatic translation tools. However, these tools translate language directly and miss out on personalisation, tone and humour when trying to connect with the intended audience. By making use of our comprehensive voice-over solution, you are able to customise and tailor the script of your intended message, whether your voice-over is to be applied on an infomercial, conversational piece, hard-sell material or corporate message.

To gain an in-depth understanding of the services and customisation we offer at Voice Village, please visit our Voice Over’s page.